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Oct 24: Edlyn attends The Smith Family's Great Big Thank You Lunch

On Tuesday, 10th October, Edlyn attended The Smith Family’s Big Thank You Lunch at Melbourne's RAVC Club, celebrating the generous sponsors of The Smith Family’s Learning for Life Program.

  • Edlyn News
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On Tuesday, 10th October, Edlyn's Marketing team, Andrew Williams and Melanie Doherty, attended The Smith Family’s Big Thank You Lunch at Melbourne's RAVC Club. The event celebrated the generous sponsors of The Smith Family’s Learning for Life Program, which supports over 66,000 children living in poverty by providing essential educational items like uniforms, books, and supplies to help them reach their full potential.

Since 2021, Edlyn Foods has proudly partnered with The Smith Family, sponsoring more than 110 students from Year 10 to 12, empowering them to complete their education. Attending the event was an insightful experience, hearing firsthand stories from both current and former students, and witnessing the profound, long-lasting impact the program has on their education, career opportunities, and future families.

We are honoured to support such an important program and extend our thanks to The Smith Family for hosting a wonderful event.

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Oct 24: Edlyn announces acquisition of Simped Foods

We are thrilled to announce that Edlyn Foods has acquired Simped Foods, a distinguished name in frozen fruit and vegetable products since 1969.

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Aug 23: Bone Roasters win Best Premium Jus by Chefs Decision 2023

The Bone Roasters range of Jus’ have recently been awarded ‘Best Premium Jus’ at the Chefs Decision Awards Australia 2023.

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Nov 23: Edlyn attends Schnitz Conference & Awards Night

Edlyn’s CEO, Amir Arjmand, and Key Account Manager, Warren Setches, were honored to participate in the Schnitz Conference and Awards Night at Cape Shank in November.

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